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​If you have a need, or want further details you can email us, phone Moira on the church cell @306-338-9087, or phone Pastor Kurt @306-716-0252.
Current Sermon Series
Coming Soon
Sunday Worship
10:30 - 11:40AM
134 2nd St NE
Wadena SASK
We believe everyone needs to follow Jesus.
We are a church of all ages where you can investigate and respond to a relationship with God. Our passion is to see people transformed and become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.
We open our Bibles, vibrantly worship, and pray!
Why not check us out?
We might be different than you think!
We exist to
know - love - share jesus
Our passion is to
multiply - equip & reach our community and nations with the gospel
You can access our FaceBook page here for
live-stream versions of our sermons:
Click the button above to access the archive of more audio sermons
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